Thursday, August 4, 2016

For some people gain weight is difficult and frustrating Regardless of the reason, says the American Diabetes Association to gain weight through nutritious food is healthier than relying on weight or high-calorie supplements, lower food and junk food to increase your weight and recommended to add foods calorie-rich but nutrient-rich your diet, such as nuts, peanut butter, peanut butter and is available on a large scale and full of unsaturated fat and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, it is a good addition to the weight plan
Hence, we offer you today steps to take advantage of peanuts :
Step 1:
Try eating foods that used peanut butter as an ingredient internal, Asian and African cuisine is often used peanuts or peanut butter in savory dishes, experiment with Asian noodles and peanut sauce or peanut soup
Step 2:
Eat a great deal in your breakfast of peanut butter, to add extra calories to the morning meal, try adding peanut butter to oatmeal, and blend it in fruit juices, and publish it on pancakes or muffins or add to a meal yogurt and granola
Step 3:
Use peanut butter, but not only in the traditional ways, peanut butter are popular for bread or toast, of course, sandwich peanut butter is nutritious, and is considered a snack high calories if you are trying to gain weight, feel free to eat butter peanuts with sandwiches by eating peanut butter with banana slices, fresh berries, apple juice or apple slices.
Step 4:

Use peanut butter on your bread, it's effective infiltration excess calories in your diet, and many baked goods can be added with peanut butter, peanut butter added to cakes, trotting
Many people suffer from the rumen and slack in the abdominal area, especially people who do not move significantly, unfortunately, because of the daily routine which affects people in their daily life, everyone is exposed to the emergence of the rumen and the appearance of cellulite in the abdominal area, even when people who are not obese but Mmemkn to take a particular form of belly sag who does not want anyone to do so.

Be the emergence of the rumen as a result of several key factors. First routine that we talked about in terms of sitting Permanent and sit on the desk all the time or driving all the time and all the activities carried out by a person in a state of sitting, the second factor that leads to the emergence of the rumen is Alangveh factor bad and this factor one of the most influential factor on us in everyday life, where we are within days of work at the request fast food that can cause us to obesity and the many diseases where these rich foods with oils and salts that affect our lives and our health, as well as the dealt carbonated drinks a profound effect in shaping bellied when people and causes frequent dealt in large quantities to flatulence and the emergence of the rumen with time, and that eating fried potatoes types affect the same degree on the body the same negative impact Tatherh fast food fried food prepared outside the home where french fries are rich in oil and minerals that lead to our sense be fullness but cause rumen and many many serious diseases and we have on our health.
Also, the lack of exercise Ariyadh and lack of movement lead to the emergence of the rumen as well as command, where the practice of Ariyadh lead to tummy and stomach muscles turn off the spigot of the emergence of the rumen and Zaolr contouring in the abdomen, and there Aeidid of exercises to do to avoid rumen or eliminate the rumen tomorrow what was there Karsh exist, and more kinds of sports that benefit is jogging, running, must exercise a day for forty minutes until the body starts to burn calories.

Also, the lack of exercise Ariyadh and lack of movement lead to the emergence of the rumen as well as command, where the practice of Ariyadh lead to tummy and stomach muscles turn off the spigot of the emergence of the rumen and Zaolr contouring in the abdomen, and there Aeidid of exercises to do to avoid rumen or eliminate the rumen tomorrow what was there Karsh exist, and more kinds of sports that benefit is jogging, running, must exercise a day for forty minutes until the body starts to burn calories.

Also of the most important reasons for the rumen appearance at a private ladies are pregnancy is a pregnancy of the most important causes of boiled appearance of the rumen in the abdominal area in women as a result of abdominal stretch because of a fetus inside Bjeet grow the embryo and expands the abdomen with him, and after that the child comes out with his months nine completeness abdomen stays in the case of sagging shows the rumen
Get rid of the rumen one worries of concern to a lot of women and men alike, as the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area is over the years of wrong nutrition and lack of exercise and the style of living harmful in terms of follow unsuitable for a healthy body habits, and lead those accumulations to the emergence of side effects of such a situation is the weakness of the ability to move or perform physical activity, and the emergence of joint pain, fatigue and exhaustion ongoing, in addition to increasing the chances of more serious Ktsalb arteries and blood diseases and tumors disease
. Get rid of the rumen
Most people trying to Erh get rid of it without the effort due to the lack of movement which they are accustomed perhaps due to the accumulation of fat and their dependence on most of the performance of the business they are in their places, along with the existence of some cases that suffer from diseases due to the increased weight cartilage Kalanzlaq or sciatica or osteoarthritis, and on the whole The movement and exercise one of the most proven ways to get rid of the rumen. In the incidence of disease, prevent physical exercise needed to burn calories doctors advised a number of different solutions according to each individual case, so it is necessary to consult a doctor in a better therapeutic solutions to get rid of the rumen or excess fat in the body in general.
Tips to get rid of the rumen
 Relaxation: One of the reasons that lead to the accumulation of fat in the waist and abdomen increased secretion of the hormone cortisol, where human insulin in cases of stress and anxiety, so you are advised to exercise relaxation exercises regularly and listen to music, there are many videos to explain and teach yoga on the Internet.
 Regulate sleep: increased calorie burn rate during sleep, but there are many people obese sleep for long periods, however no less weight, the solution here lies in regulating sleep and not just sleep for long periods of time, so get used to the brain to secrete hormones that help in burning calories Regularly.
 Drink fluids: Drinking plenty of water is useful in making the body loses fluids stored inside, which cause skin and tummy tuck in particular, and the water stimulates circulation and nourishes the cells, which helps to burn calories faster.

 Diet: the diet can vary from one person to another, according to weight, age and health status, and be better supervised diet a dieticians, but that all diets based on reducing the amount of calories that enter the body so that the body of stored fat to burn inside.
Today we will give you the best food that helps build strong muscles and exciting
1. milk
Milk makes wonderland for fans of sports and bodybuilding, Vhomn nutrient dense, a great source of protein and contains essential amino acids. Drink a glass of milk inevitably will help build muscle
2. Beef
Should not exclude beef from this list, which contains iron, zinc, and creatine. Zinc increases testosterone, and iron is one of the most abundant mineral in the body and creatine helps produce adenosine tri-phosphate (energy). Beef is considered the perfect food to build muscle
3. chicken
Provide high protein, also it contains a lot of amino acids. Can be cooked in different ways, which prevents him feeling bored, low-fat chicken breasts, while red meat has a higher fat content. Chicken is optimized for the needs of building muscle
4. Fish
Low-fat and contain high-quality protein, as well as important vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. And it is one of the few foods that provide nutritional value is very high
5. Peanut Butter
Packed with good fats and proteins. A staple food for the growth of muscle mass. They used the gel sandwich and it will help you to acquire the necessary power to exercise
6. Oatmeal
Taken up at breakfast or mixed diet else. These carbohydrates help you gain energy during training and are also easy to prepare and can be an important element to build muscle in the diet
7. Eggs
You can cook it in several ways. Eggs is expensive, and contain 7-8 grams of protein per egg, whether boiled, or poached
8. bananas
It contains three types of sugars. Fructose, sucrose, and glucose. These sugars essential for pre / post-training. Free of fat and cholesterol, it also gives energy.

9. turkeys
It is known to many people that the regions of the buttocks, abdomen, which Tzmian more areas that accumulate and accumulate their fat Erh, and therefore you get the extra weight easily; they are a victim of any increase occur in the person's weight, so LOSS abdomen, buttocks process is one of the most sought after All who wish to lose weight, even though many of them are looking for ways and means to lose these areas without the lack of the total weight of the body, it shows the size and the size of the problem; because there are those who suffer from filling those two regions in fat, although not to increase the weight.
Ways to ease the rumen and buttocks
Some exercise constantly: Sports help to speed up the fat burning process in the body, and to get rid of excess weight, and help build muscle tissue is working on stretching them to appear as required. Should be regular exercise on a daily basis; so that takes half an hour a day, which include walking, jogging or hiking, or even playing on the rope, and exercise your stomach to get rid of once the rumen.
 Follow the balanced diet: so that they are low-fat and healthy, and contain all the nutrients rich in vitamins and minerals important for the health of the body, this will reduce the intake of food containing high calories, this helps to speed up the weight loss process
. Reduce the intake of soft drinks: all of which are considered harmful even diet ones; due to contain high amounts of sugar; they turn into fat and accumulates in the abdomen and buttocks, for this reason should stop taking them, get rid of the rumen and Aloradf, and for taut body.
 It advised to take warm water daily before breakfast; it helps to burn belly fat fast, it is possible to add a little lemon to it and drink it.
 Drink water frequently: is drinking eight glasses of water a day from the necessary steps to weight loss and loss of fat and paunchy Alordavh he is working on a fully moisturizing body, replace lost fluids, and thus reduces the need for a sweetened juices.
 Cry from the deprivation and starvation: one of the reasons for reducing the rates of metabolism in the body and lack of fat burning, and thus works to be stored in the body, as opposed to what other people think, so you should eat a healthy diet.

 Cry from the tension: It has been proven that there is a close relationship between weight gain and stress, so the inter psychological pressure generated adversely affect the metabolism in the body; where they should get rid of all these things to get the strength curvaceous body as healthy.
Hair Loss in men is the most prominent phenomena faced by men in advanced age, is a very common situation in men. It is important to mention that balding may also affects women, and it can be the same appearance that affects men. For many people, the hair loss and baldness suffer frustration and despair. But fortunately today many treatments available for hair loss. Nevertheless, the problem lies in the treatment, which avoids many of the men of the available treatment. There are many types of hair loss, or alopecia, the most prominent and the most common types of baldness is the male figure. The so-called male baldness shape, although it may affect men and women, because the male hormone androgen Kaltoststron and is responsible for hair loss. Often hair loss starts from the top of the head and both sides of the forehead, and then progresses from both sides to lead to baldness in the whole head. In addition, the hair density varies from one place to another in the head, and that is what distinguishes the balding male figure. It is worth mentioning that the existing hair on both sides of the head does not fall out. Among women, the hair loss is widespread on both the head and without exceeding certain areas, compared to men. I do not know the exact cause of baldness in men, but studies have shown that hormones Alzkrah- Kaltoststron and Alondrugen- are responsible for hair loss and baldness. But the changes in the hormones are still unclear, it appears that genetic factors and the genes of particular interest for the injured bald. Male hormones lead to the short hair length, and low frequency growth so grow a small amount of hair on the head, and be of less intensity. Despite the availability of many possibilities for the treatment of hair loss in men, a lot of people have difficulty accepting it, and greater difficulty in treatment. This difficulty stems from the lack of awareness of the problem and the lack of awareness of the availability of treatment, in many cases. Women are affected by baldness than men, and may lead to have it to the foil, despair, low self or sense of loss of femininity appreciated. It is important to point out in this article that the possibilities available treatment can solve the problem and improve the situation excellently. If you have had hair loss and felt the need of psychological help and to consult a doctor or psychiatrist, you can go to your doctor, and can help you overcome the problem and provide the necessary treatment. So, what are the potential baldness cure? Will the potential treatment differ between men and women? Available so far are two types of drugs that can be used to treat hair loss in men- Minoxidil (Minoxidil) and Alvenastarad (Finasteride). Minoxidil can be used to treat baldness in women, and in cases of baldness in women can be difficult to use Alvenastarad (Finasteride), but it is seldom used. In difficult cases for baldness in women, often used as a medicine Sbrinolambron (Spirnolactone). There are specific cases that can be treated with surgical treatment. Minoxidil (Minoxidil): first medicine used to treat hair loss, and works on hair follicles to lead to the growth of hair so that the hair will be more in length and intensity. Minoxidil is available as an ointment or pork fat can be painted as a solution to the head. Minoxidil can be used in men and women, but it is more effective in women. Minoxidil is fat in place of baldness, it is important to paint the skin of the head itself and not on the hair. This is because minoxidil penetrates into the skin to cause hair growth. It is important to continue using minoxidil for six months, and often you will notice the results during the first two months of use. The effect of minoxidil may continue until 18 months and then you'll notice that the hair will grow more than the previous intensity. Studies have shown that minoxidil effectively and lead acceptable in terms of the external appearance of the results, with about 30-40% of the people who use it. Are there side effects of minoxidil? Medicine as a whole matter is not free from side effects, but it is infrequent. Minoxidil itching and irritation may result in the place of use, or it leads to accelerated heart rate, weight gain and swelling of the hand tip. If you suffer from heart disease, you should consult your doctor before taking minoxidil. Alvenastarad (Finasteride): Alvenastarad pill is hindering the production of hormones that lead to hair loss, leading to increased growth and density of hair. You eat Alvenastarad dose of no more than amalgam per day (1 mg), and because the dose is increased side lead to the symptoms do not want them. Alvenastarad side leads to the symptoms of sexual Kaladz low sexual arousal, if taken in excessive doses. In the case of the treatment of women by Alvenastarad, it is less effective. And it should not be taken in the event of pregnancy, as it penetrates the fetus and lead to an imbalance in the growth of the fetal genitalia. Sbrinolambron (Spirnolactone): is one of the drugs used to treat many other diseases such as pressing high blood, heart disease and other others. Sbrinolambron works similar to Vinastarad, it leads to the growth of longer hair and the most abundant. But Sbrinolambron much better than Alvenastarad for the treatment of baldness in women. So Sbrinolambron used to treat baldness in women in case of treatment failure Balminnoxedel. As is the case Alvenastarad, you should not eat Sbrinolambron in the event of pregnancy, because it harm the fetus
What is the best way to treat hair loss in men?
In fact, there are millions of people worldwide affected by hair loss and this includes men and women. The sad thing is that most people who have this problem do not know how to deal with this matter.

So what you're doing?
They go to the nearest pharmacy and buy any product with a better outer covering or casing and the best currently. They do not carry the search or question, and Aigoumoua to wait for months to make a decision, rather than that they want immediate results during one night.
Let me also ask you this question.
Did you try something by without reading the instructions for use?
What was your experience?
Let me guess, either you have difficulty in doing all of this, or you are not able to do that at all. It's the same concept when looking for hair loss treatment for men. Therefore, you need to do some research and learn at least the basics of what works and what does not.
There are plenty of solutions that you can try it if you are experiencing balding or weak hair.
One of the solutions is Mfawmh hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and is a hormone associated with hair loss and hair loss in males. He holds Bbesellat hair and destroys it completely.
Another solution is simple and clear is do something healthy diet.
Healthy eating is the solution for any disease. It helps to maintain healthy hair. Bad eating habits are one of the causes of hair loss and slow the process of hair growth. Eat vegetables and fruit as well as very important to drink plenty of water.
Hair supplements are a great way to promote the natural growth of hair and hair loss and resistance loss. You can now find on the market products natural and healthy for your body. You have to look at these products, such as nettle and valerian and choose the right product for you.
There are a lot of ways and treatments can be used to treat hair loss and re-growth of new natural way.
One of the most important reasons for this treatment is not to give up. If you want to solve your problem you have to find the right treatment for you and to continue it.
Do not change from one product to another and from one medication to another. All you have to do is to find some natural remedies and to develop an action plan and continue them.

Men: 5 Steps to Avoid Early balding

Have you started losing hair from the top of the head, trying hard to maintain the intensity of your hair? Here are some tips that will help in addressing baldness, may affect the loss or hair loss men from the age of 18 years, and most of them have, in the end, to accept a thin patch of hair at some point in their lives. He says about 25% of the men they were bald in their thirties, while 50% of them stating that they have suffered from a very light hair in the forties, at the age of 60 years, have 65% of men noticeable hair loss. But this is not inevitable, there are steps you can take to avoid balding, and whenever began early, as was more effective treatment.

1 Choose a good hairstylist
Says hairstylist men Carmelo Gastella: «good haircut hide thin hair. And I apply several techniques in hair cutting, depending on the extent of hair loss. Usually I start regular story that cutting hair is the same length, which gives the impression that the hair is thicker. So you should be choosing a good hair stylist priority for the men who started losing hair. »
2 disappearances
If you have hair loss is not at an advanced stage, you can use Alkoncelr, as Gastella recommended. He says: «Look for Alkoncelr which contains minute fibers, which help hide the areas where hair is lessening by sticking all the hair, through the shipment of static electricity. Sprinkle the powder and mix gently, then spray mist «trapping powder» and will remain on your hair until Ngzle ».
3 very short story
If you are from the 10 percent who do not benefit them medication strengthens the hair, or was balding starts from temples heading back, do not make your hair long story in an attempt to conceal thinning hair. Advised Gastella: «must be a hair short of the introduction, because this gives the impression that the hair is thicker.»
4 pills Albroobaishea (propecia)
For the treatment of hair loss, which starts from the crown of the head and not of the temples, it may be grains of Albroobaishea (which is also marketed under different names) magic effect. And the use of grain at a dose of 1 mg per day acts as a hormone inhibitor, it has proven to stop hair loss and promote re-growth. And dealt with 279 man clinical study are taking this drug for five years: 48% of them showed regrowth of hair, while 42% did not witness them Tsaqta more hair. This medication is not distracted only by prescription, so you should consult your doctor. And side effects to him, which include hormonal problems, and low desire, very rare (at less than 2% of men) and usually go away after using the drug for some time. In the clinical study, by the fifth year of treatment of men who suffer from side effects to the 0.3% ratio decreased.
5 dietary supplements
The most important nutrients for healthy hair, are zinc, copper, biotin compounds proanthocyanidins and carotenoids, vitamin B12, selenium, iron and essential fatty acids.
Essential fatty acids are also important because they have a moisturizer effect, have relieve itching, desquamation and dandruff. There are essential fatty acids in fish and fish oil and linseed oil and evening primrose oil.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Most men suffer from weight problems. Therefore, they are looking for ways to get a strong body  , However, they do not know the appropriate ways, The day we will show that there are many ways to gain weight for men

The secret to achieve an increase in weight is increasing the number of calories consumed versus what our bodies burn.

In order to get the calories HTH we Should the number of meals and eating divided into 6 meals instead of the old system And which consists of only three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and its usefulness to increase body weight

I've divided the meals and recipes according to the new system (6 meals) :                                                  

1. Meals breakfast

2. snacks mid-morning

3. lunches

4. Snacks afternoon

5. Dinners

6. snacks after dinner

1. Meals breakfast
1 meal
 a cup and a half of flour raw oats
 cup skim milk
 1/2 cup of dried cranberries or raisins
 teaspoon of flax oil (gives a wonderful flavor with oatmeal)
750 calories, 35 g protein, 90 g carbohydrate 18 g fat
Meal 2
 4 Frozen pies made from whole grains (frozen waffles)
 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup (pure maple syrup)
 cup of low-fat cheese Quraish
 cup of fresh strawberries
625 calories, 40 g protein, 90 g carbohydrate 0.6 g fat
Meal 3
 vegetable omelet, which consists of:
2 beads eggs, 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup of the grated cheese, non-fat, 1/2
Cup of vegetables cubic (by choice) on
 2 slices of bread
 cup skim milk
 grain of fresh orange
700 calories, 30g of protein and 60 grams of carbohydrates, 20 g fat
Meal 4
 pancakes or crepes
 cup skim milk
615 calories and 49 grams of protein 0.71 g Carbohydrates 0.15 g fat
5 meal
 pancakes, buckwheat (Buckwheat pancakes)
 2 cups of skim milk
 cup fresh raspberries
615 calories and 49 grams of protein 0.71 g Carbohydrates 0.15 g fat
Meal 6
 4 pancakes, buckwheat (Buckwheat pancakes)
 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup
 cup low-fat milk
 cup fresh raspberries
720 calories 18 g protein, 140 g carbohydrate 0.5 g fat
Meal 7
 burritos (Breakfast Burritos)
 grapefruit (grapefruit)
761 calories 0.51 g protein, 88 g of carbohydrates, 20 g fat
8 meal
 burgers bread + 2 large tablespoons of cheese and 110 g of grilled salmon
 grain pear
640 calories 0.43 g Protein 0.77 g Carbohydrates 0.18 g fat
2. snacks mid-morning
           Meal 9
 cup skim milk
 large piece of fruit with a tablespoon natural peanut butter
 grain of fingers fried mozzarella (mozzarella stick)
500 calories, 30g protein, 30g of carbohydrates, 0.18 grams of fat
Meal 10
 sandwich peanuts, bananas and honey butter
 2 pieces of whole grain bread
 banana
 2 tablespoons of honey
 2 cups of skim milk
600 calories, 25 g protein, 85 g carbohydrate 18 g fat
Meal 11
 can of tuna
 2 cup of cooked brown rice
 salsa flavor
 pill plum
700 calories, 40 g protein, 100 g carbohydrates, 0.5 g fat
Meal 12
 protein drink
 cup skim milk
 2 beads fruit of your choice
658 calories, 40 g protein, 84 g carbohydrate 18 g fat
Meal 13
 6 hard-boiled eggs (2 whole eggs +4 egg whites)
 cup of raw oatmeal cooked with a little cup of milk fat + banana and a bit of cinnamon
 566 calories 0.41 g Protein 0.61 g carbohydrates, 12.5 g fat
           Meal 14
 2 cups low-fat milk + cinnamon + half a cup of raisins
495 calories 12 g protein 0.108 g carbohydrates, 0.3 g fat
Meal 15
 whole grains, biscuits
 cup of low-fat cheese Quraish
 orange
348 calories 0.26 g Protein 0.44 g carbohydrates, 0.8 g fat
3. lunches
Meal 16
 2 cups of egg salad (cups egg salad) with 2 loaf of baladi (whole wheat pitas)
 grain of bananas
600 calories; 74 g protein 0.16 g Carbohydrates 0.30 g fat
Meal 17
 Medley spaghetti with vegetables (Pasta Vegetable Medley)
 cup skim milk
700 calories, 25 g protein, 125 g carbohydrate 0.11 g fat
Meal 18
 scalloped potatoes and cheese sandwich, which crumples from:
2 slices of bread 0.230 g of sliced ​​turkey breast 0.1 thin slice of provolone cheese, low-fat, mustard lettuce and tomato)
 small handful of red grapes
650 calories 55 g protein, 80 g of carbohydrates, 10 g fat
           Meal 19
 tuna and cheese sandwich, which consists of:
2 slices bread 0.230 g tuna 0.60 g of cheddar cheese, mayonnaise and skim lettuce and tomatoes
 pill large pear
610 calories 0.44 g Protein 0.77 g carbohydrates, 0.14 grams of fat
Meal 20
 lamb sandwich and cheese, which is made up of:
2 sliced ​​bread 0.230 g Mutton 0.60 g little fat Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, mustard
 big apple
610 calories 0.44 g Protein 0.77 g Carbohydrates 0.14 g fat
Meal 21
 2 cups of whole wheat spaghetti with two tablespoons of pesto sauce +230 grams of grilled chicken breast with a side salad of spinach
723 calories 63 g protein, 90 g carbohydrate 23 g fat
Meal 22
 2 burritos kernels (frozen organic burritos)
 fingers islands (Carrot sticks)
620 calories, 20 g protein 0.101 g carbohydrates, 16 g fat
Meal 23
 2 slices of bread made from whole grains with 170 g of Mutton 0.60 g of low-fat cheese, sliced ​​tomato and lettuce with a little mustard
 fingers vegetables (veggie sticks)
 cup low-fat milk
590 calories 0.62 g Protein 0.55 g Carbohydrates 0.12 g fat
4. Snacks afternoon
Meal 24
 cup of yogurt (yogurt) low-fat vanilla-flavored
 cup of Quraish cheese (cottage cheese) fat-free
 cup of berries
 2 tablespoons of wheat germ (wheat germ)
 a tablespoon of honey
600 calories 0.38 g protein, 80 g carbohydrates, 2.5 g fat
Meal 25
 cup skim milk + cup of frozen fruit + 2 tablespoons of linseed oil
650 calories, 50 g protein, 45g carbohydrates, 28g fat
Meal 26
 cup skim milk
 2 cups of frozen fruit
 water
675 calories, 50 g protein, 80 g carbohydrate 18 g fat
Meal 27
 protein drink
 cup skim milk
 2 beads fruit of your choice
658 calories, 40 g protein, 84 g carbohydrate 18 g fat
Meal 28
 cup of brown rice mixed with half a cup of canned salmon + tablespoon of olive oil + vinegar + a little thyme and pepper
 grain apple
506 calories, 28g protein, 45g carbohydrate 0.23 g fat
Meal 29
 triple sandwich of peanut butter and banana, which consists of:
3 slices of bread made from whole grains, 3 tablespoons of peanut butter 0.2 banana, put on each slice a spoonful of peanut butter + banana.
 cup of black bean soup natural (black bean soup)
625 calories 0.19 g Protein 0.77 g Carbohydrates 0.27 g fat
Meal 30
 protein drink +2 cups low-fat milk +2 cups of frozen fruit as well as a tablespoon of flax oil
 add water according to your needs
736 calories, 66 g protein 0.71 g Carbohydrates 0.16 g fat
5. Dinners
Meal 31
 170 g of grilled salmon
 large grain of sweet potatoes
 cup chopped green beans
 cup skim milk
700 calories and 45 g protein, 70 g of carbohydrates, 20 g fat
Meal 32
 230 g of turkey breast
 2 pills a sweet potato or yam (yams)
 cup of kale or Swiss chard
700 calories 55 g protein, 95 g carbohydrate 0.5 g fat
Meal 33
 450 g of lamb roast
 cup of broccoli
 2 cups of brown rice
650 calories 0.38 g Protein 0.43 g Carbohydrates 0.14 g fat
Meal 34
 bowl of Mexican chicken and chili
389 calories, 40 g protein 0.27 g Carbohydrates 0.14 g fat
Meal 35
 hamburger is made in the house full of wheat
 cup skim milk
450 calories 0.34 g Protein 0.52 g carbohydrates, 20 g fat
Meal 36
 170 g of grilled chicken
 2 cups of frozen vegetables
 large grain of sweet potatoes
491 calories 0.46 g Protein 0.42 g carbohydrates 0.6 g fat
Meal 37
 170 g of tuna
 cup of pasta made with wheat full + marina sauce + broccoli steamed
 cup low-fat milk
674 calories 0.36 g protein, 50 g carbohydrates, 13 g fat
Meal 38
 Hebrgr made full wheat +170 g of beef
 2 cups of mixed vegetables steamed
 large grain of sweet potatoes
 cup skim milk
680 calories 0.52 g Protein 0.97 g carbohydrates, 8 g fat
Snacks after dinner
Meal 39
 smooth peanut butter (Peanut butter smoothie)
600 calories, 30 g protein, 35 g carbohydrate 16 g fat
Meal 40
 tuna sandwich
400 calories, 40 g protein, 45g carbohydrates, 0.5 g fat
Meal 41
 protein drink
 fruit of your choice
458 calories 0.32 g Protein 0.42 g Carbohydrates 0.18 g fat
Meal 42
 2 cups low-fat milk 0.2 cups of frozen fruit as well as a large Melgqh of flax oil
 add water according to your needs
736 calories and 66 grams of protein 0.71 g Carbohydrates 0.16 g fat
Meal 43
 cup of Quraish cheese (cottage cheese) + a glass of fruit juice
241 calories 0.24 g Protein 0.28 g carbohydrates 0.4 g fat

This was the 43 full recipe for your eyes. I hope to benefit from the topic and I are at your disposal for every question or inquiry. good luck
If your child suffers from the thinnest, there are easy ways and is very simple and has great results and is explained below :

Method 1: eat dense foods

What I mean dense foods are foods that contain either high-calorie or many food items (preferably the two together) a child to gain weight helps because of the availability of energy and nutrients needed by the body to build muscle or fat storage.
1. Eat healthy foods
That help the child to gain weight in a healthy way. Try to provide foods that combines the large number of essential elements and caloric density. Best to avoid foods that contain high levels of sugars, saturated fats, and sodium.
2. Eat more foods that are nutrient dense (nutrient-dense foods)
Nutrient-rich foods contain a high amount of nutrients (such as vitamins, minerals and fiber) compared to thermal Bsarathm.
 provide large amounts of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, can help your child to achieve excellent feed, in addition to providing the highest number of daily calorie intake.
 Examples of nutrient-rich foods: strawberries, chicken breast, or a bowl of whole milk with brown rice and honey.
3. Provide moderate sources of energy-rich food
Energy-rich foods contain high calories compared to the types or quantities of other food.
 can be energy-dense foods contribute significantly to the healthy weight for your child increase, but it should be consumed within reason. For example, avoid providing pasta for all three meals or prepare a snack of bread or sunflower seeds.
include energy-rich nuts, health food, seeds, bread, pasta, avocado, healthy oils (such as olive oil or canola oil for cooking), dried fruit, fruit juice and 100%

Method 2: Encourage the child to eat Amomsat (Dips), bedspread (Spreads), and spices (Condiments)

These foods add calories to a healthy increase imparted excellent flavor of the food. These things often contain high calories increase as a snack provides more energy without the child feels that eating large amounts.
1.      progress Amomsat or cheese with fruits and vegetable
Increase a few tablespoons of peanut butter when making apple or celery. Add sauce to vegetables or snacks, and sandwiches.
2. reasonable use of butter and spices
Many Amomsat contain high energy as they add flavors loved by children, such as butter, jam, peanut butter, Nutella, and cheese. Feature might encourage your child to eat more food, making a positive impact on increasing the calories that help him gain weight.
3. poured additions (toppings) and spices (condiments) on meals and sweets
Encourage the child to allocate a distinctive flavor to the meal or dessert to add your favorite spices, such as mayonnaise, tomato sauce and sour cream. Do not go overboard in adding spices. Only the amount adds distinctive flavor and increases calorie healthy diet daily  

Method 3: Provide Taqoah healthy drinks

Can young children or children who are approaching the age of the study of energy drinks to increase their weight advantage. Examples of these drinks: drink the energy component of milk (milk-based toddler formulas) and tonic drinks which contain high calorie (high-calorie fortified drinks). These drinks do not provide an alternative to regular food, but is supposed provided with meals or as beverages between meals.
1. Acquisition Pedia (high-calorie fortified drinks)
This type of beverage helps young children to make up the shortfall in length, weight and helps them to add the necessary calories and nutrients the normal diet, especially if the child is picky with respect to the type of food.
2. Provide full milk
If the child suffers from a lack of significant weight, add fat and calories through healthy drinks like milk consumption. It may reduce the intake of milk and dairy products containing fat or non-existent a few chances of the child get enough calories from a normal diet.
Eating calorie dense foods

Method 4: Encourage the child to eat snacks

Snacking between meals provides extra calories also it gives the child the opportunity to eat throughout the day more than what he might do when serving food in three meals only.
1. Provide a snack at school
Prepare snacks Ksindoecat take the child with him and make sure he eats in the morning school break periods and evening to increase the calories that help in increasing the weight. If the school law prohibiting eating, taking a national permit to allow your child to eat snacks between quotas or give him a tonic drinks rich in calories.
2. Provide a snack after leaving school
 can provide a small snack even after the completion of school hours and before dinner to add basic calories to gain weight soon.
 Examples: eat half Sandosc, fruit and cheese, baked potato with cheese and salsa, cheese quesadilla (cheese quesadilla), or any snack child likes.
 cookies with raisins with full-fat milk can be a healthy and energy-dense snack.
3. Do not allow a child to skip meals
The breakfast is an excellent opportunity to save a lot of energy and basic food items at the beginning of the day and that can help your child achieve a healthy weight increase.
 provide fruit, cereal, toast or bread with cheese, sandwich peanut butter, fruit juice, milk or 100% to provide a wide range of healthy food and the amount of calories for your child.
 If the cost of food is a barrier to your family, sign your child in meal assistance program so that it can get a free or discounted meals at school.
4. Provide candy
If your child is still hungry after eating a meal, provide candy
Examples of dessert: pound cake with fresh fruit, ice cream with nuts, berries, bananas or chocolate with peanut butter, chocolate with dried fruits, or a few cookies with milk

5 way: consult a doctor

Physical and mental health problems to serious loss of weight in children may lead. If you have difficulty in increasing the weight of your child or if you suspect a medical condition that may be causing the problem of underweight child, you should consult your doctor who may be able to diagnose the barrier that prevents him from gaining weight and provide appropriate solutions.
1. exclusion of health conditions
Sometimes it can be underweight because of a lack of sleep or a great physical activity for children, but in parallel, there are certain health problems that may prevent weight gain in children.
 some health problems, such as Cystic Fibrosis (Cystic Fibrosis) or prematurity (prematurity), can cause poor absorption of nutrients and difficulty gaining weight in spite of appetite and eating enough calories
 psychological conditions such as severe stress, sadness, or an eating disorder may cause the child's lack of weight or lose weight unexpectedly.
2. Consult a dietitian for children
Can child nutrition and daily physical activity in detail and identify weaknesses in the diet and how to improve analysis. Nutrition experts can submit specific proposals to increase the baby's weight and can be available to consult on an ongoing basis until the elimination of underweight.
3. discuss dietary rules followed

If the vegetable family or follow a special diet schedule, the child can not get enough calories or food to gain weight adequately. You may want to consider changing diet and taking additional efforts directed to ensure adequate consumption of calories, protein, fat, and other essential nutrients

Friday, July 29, 2016

During this time when technology plays an important role, undergoing procedures and paying for services that will help a person lose weight is already acceptable and considered a normal occurrence. However, it is essential to keep in mind that not everything you read and see will work for you. Some are true, some are true to only a few people, and some are just not true. To help you with your weight loss journey, listed below are the common mistakes individuals should stop doing.

I exercise every day, I should lose weight.

Many individuals fall into this trap. Individuals who are misinformed think that when they exercise or workout every day, they would lose weight. The fact is, exercise alone will not do much in cutting down your weight, even if you do it every day. The only proven way to achieve the weight you desire is to combine exercise with proper diet.
The level of intensity, the duration of the exercise, and the kind of workout you do are also vital to having a successful weight loss journey. Health-wise, it is true that a 10-minute workout can do wonders for the body than doing nothing at all. But when your goal is to decrease weight and fat, you should be prepared to go the extra mile in terms of duration, frequency, and intensity.

There's a new trend in losing weight and it worked on my friend, it should work for me, too.

Unfortunately, what works for others may not work for you. There are a number of factors that contribute to a successful weight loss journey. A person's genetic predisposition, body composition, lifestyle, and metabolism are just some of these factors.
There's nothing wrong with trying out new procedures or systems to lose weight. However, it is important to consult with professionals and map out a complete plan that will work for you, considering the various factors listed previously. In doing so, you will reduce the possibilities of failure

There are simple weight management tips you can do in your daily lifestyle. While they are easy to do, they are valuable and effective. Here are 8 daily tips for successful weight management:

  1. Reduce the portions in your meals. Be conscious of the calories when you portion your meals. In your plate, one quarter should comprise a portion (palm-size) of lean protein such as chicken breast or salmon and one quarter of brown rice or other unrefined grain, while half of your plate should contain different varieties of colorful veggies. If you still feel hunger pangs after eating, wait for 20 minutes. It's enough time for the foods that you ate to digest. Otherwise you can eat extra veggies, tossed salad or a small slice of fruit

  2. Eat your regular meals, don't skip. In weight management, it is essential to eat 3 regular meals and snacks. It is particularly important to eat breakfast. It'll jumpstart your metabolism. Consider that you need food to fuel your body. Without food to sustain your body, it cannot work efficiently.

  3. Load up your calories in the morning until noon. Consuming more calories on the first half of the day curbs your hunger during the night. You do most of your activities at daytime, anyway. In the evenings, you are normally less active, so eat lighter dinners.

  4. Eat more fiber. The recommended amount of fiber consumption for women is 25 to 30 grams per day. However, many women fall short of that. Increase your fiber intake by eating whole grain breads and cereals. They are high in fiber. Make your pasta and rice whole wheat instead of white. Add more dried beans when you prepare your meals. More fiber intake makes you feel fuller faster, making you eat less. It curbs your hunger as well. Lower your cholesterol by consuming more soluble fiber.

  5. Know what the good sources of fiber are. Sources of insoluble fiber are corn bran, wheat, cereals, pasta, bread, fruit and root vegetables skin and most veggies such as green beans, potatoes and broccoli. What are the food sources of soluble fiber? They are psyllium, barley, oat bran, oats and legumes like split peas, dried beans and most fruits and veggies.

  6. Have regular exercise- make it daily. Engage in an exercise routine or get more physically active. Ask for the advice of your health professional or exercise physiologist.

  7. Make sure that you eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily. These food sources are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber while being low in calories and fat. Two to three servings of fruits should be included in your daily diet. If you can, avoid eating canned juice and fruit. You'll also have added fiber and nutrients intake if you eat fruits with the skin. Incorporate more fruits and veggies in your lunch and dinner. You can snack on them, too.

  8. Drink sufficient amounts of water. Take in 6 to 8 glasses of water everyday. You'll prevent yourself from overeating while you keep yourself hydrated.

The Apple watch is able to track your heart rate, your movement through the day and your sedentary time from your wrist. This means that it can track your daily active calorie burn, as it surely does. This is the number of calories your body would without any heavy exercise. Not only this, if you also go ahead exercise regularly, you would be able to see the total caloric count burnt in the day. To further promote this, the Apple watch also prompts you to get up for a minute every hour in the day to ensure minimum health goals for a day.

Now with your apple watch you can test your workout progress , How ?

  1. Track your caloric intake - Thanks to the information age we can accurately estimate the caloric intake in our food items. The more raw food, you consume the easier it would be to keep track. You can compare this to your active calories burnt during the day to create a baseline.

  2. Plan your workout - You should never starve yourself while on a diet. The watch provides a baseline to aim for the extra
    calories you aim to burn during the day by choosing one of the preset workouts or the watch will detect heavy exercises itself. Set the duration of your daily work based on the calorie goal or vice versa.

To test these aspects in a real world, plan a week-long diet plan with the GM diet plan along with a daily 30-minute exercise routine. The diet calls for consumption of a lot of raw food items, whose caloric content can be tracked quite easily. Also, you can possibly see if your metabolism increases over a week by the change in your active calories metric. The nice added benefit at the end of the week should be at the least four to five kilograms of excess weight shed. Please be advised, though, do not overwork yourself in the gym during this diet.


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