Tuesday, August 2, 2016

If your child suffers from the thinnest, there are easy ways and is very simple and has great results and is explained below :

Method 1: eat dense foods

What I mean dense foods are foods that contain either high-calorie or many food items (preferably the two together) a child to gain weight helps because of the availability of energy and nutrients needed by the body to build muscle or fat storage.
1. Eat healthy foods
That help the child to gain weight in a healthy way. Try to provide foods that combines the large number of essential elements and caloric density. Best to avoid foods that contain high levels of sugars, saturated fats, and sodium.
2. Eat more foods that are nutrient dense (nutrient-dense foods)
Nutrient-rich foods contain a high amount of nutrients (such as vitamins, minerals and fiber) compared to thermal Bsarathm.
 provide large amounts of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, can help your child to achieve excellent feed, in addition to providing the highest number of daily calorie intake.
 Examples of nutrient-rich foods: strawberries, chicken breast, or a bowl of whole milk with brown rice and honey.
3. Provide moderate sources of energy-rich food
Energy-rich foods contain high calories compared to the types or quantities of other food.
 can be energy-dense foods contribute significantly to the healthy weight for your child increase, but it should be consumed within reason. For example, avoid providing pasta for all three meals or prepare a snack of bread or sunflower seeds.
include energy-rich nuts, health food, seeds, bread, pasta, avocado, healthy oils (such as olive oil or canola oil for cooking), dried fruit, fruit juice and 100%

Method 2: Encourage the child to eat Amomsat (Dips), bedspread (Spreads), and spices (Condiments)

These foods add calories to a healthy increase imparted excellent flavor of the food. These things often contain high calories increase as a snack provides more energy without the child feels that eating large amounts.
1.      progress Amomsat or cheese with fruits and vegetable
Increase a few tablespoons of peanut butter when making apple or celery. Add sauce to vegetables or snacks, and sandwiches.
2. reasonable use of butter and spices
Many Amomsat contain high energy as they add flavors loved by children, such as butter, jam, peanut butter, Nutella, and cheese. Feature might encourage your child to eat more food, making a positive impact on increasing the calories that help him gain weight.
3. poured additions (toppings) and spices (condiments) on meals and sweets
Encourage the child to allocate a distinctive flavor to the meal or dessert to add your favorite spices, such as mayonnaise, tomato sauce and sour cream. Do not go overboard in adding spices. Only the amount adds distinctive flavor and increases calorie healthy diet daily  

Method 3: Provide Taqoah healthy drinks

Can young children or children who are approaching the age of the study of energy drinks to increase their weight advantage. Examples of these drinks: drink the energy component of milk (milk-based toddler formulas) and tonic drinks which contain high calorie (high-calorie fortified drinks). These drinks do not provide an alternative to regular food, but is supposed provided with meals or as beverages between meals.
1. Acquisition Pedia (high-calorie fortified drinks)
This type of beverage helps young children to make up the shortfall in length, weight and helps them to add the necessary calories and nutrients the normal diet, especially if the child is picky with respect to the type of food.
2. Provide full milk
If the child suffers from a lack of significant weight, add fat and calories through healthy drinks like milk consumption. It may reduce the intake of milk and dairy products containing fat or non-existent a few chances of the child get enough calories from a normal diet.
Eating calorie dense foods

Method 4: Encourage the child to eat snacks

Snacking between meals provides extra calories also it gives the child the opportunity to eat throughout the day more than what he might do when serving food in three meals only.
1. Provide a snack at school
Prepare snacks Ksindoecat take the child with him and make sure he eats in the morning school break periods and evening to increase the calories that help in increasing the weight. If the school law prohibiting eating, taking a national permit to allow your child to eat snacks between quotas or give him a tonic drinks rich in calories.
2. Provide a snack after leaving school
 can provide a small snack even after the completion of school hours and before dinner to add basic calories to gain weight soon.
 Examples: eat half Sandosc, fruit and cheese, baked potato with cheese and salsa, cheese quesadilla (cheese quesadilla), or any snack child likes.
 cookies with raisins with full-fat milk can be a healthy and energy-dense snack.
3. Do not allow a child to skip meals
The breakfast is an excellent opportunity to save a lot of energy and basic food items at the beginning of the day and that can help your child achieve a healthy weight increase.
 provide fruit, cereal, toast or bread with cheese, sandwich peanut butter, fruit juice, milk or 100% to provide a wide range of healthy food and the amount of calories for your child.
 If the cost of food is a barrier to your family, sign your child in meal assistance program so that it can get a free or discounted meals at school.
4. Provide candy
If your child is still hungry after eating a meal, provide candy
Examples of dessert: pound cake with fresh fruit, ice cream with nuts, berries, bananas or chocolate with peanut butter, chocolate with dried fruits, or a few cookies with milk

5 way: consult a doctor

Physical and mental health problems to serious loss of weight in children may lead. If you have difficulty in increasing the weight of your child or if you suspect a medical condition that may be causing the problem of underweight child, you should consult your doctor who may be able to diagnose the barrier that prevents him from gaining weight and provide appropriate solutions.
1. exclusion of health conditions
Sometimes it can be underweight because of a lack of sleep or a great physical activity for children, but in parallel, there are certain health problems that may prevent weight gain in children.
 some health problems, such as Cystic Fibrosis (Cystic Fibrosis) or prematurity (prematurity), can cause poor absorption of nutrients and difficulty gaining weight in spite of appetite and eating enough calories
 psychological conditions such as severe stress, sadness, or an eating disorder may cause the child's lack of weight or lose weight unexpectedly.
2. Consult a dietitian for children
Can child nutrition and daily physical activity in detail and identify weaknesses in the diet and how to improve analysis. Nutrition experts can submit specific proposals to increase the baby's weight and can be available to consult on an ongoing basis until the elimination of underweight.
3. discuss dietary rules followed

If the vegetable family or follow a special diet schedule, the child can not get enough calories or food to gain weight adequately. You may want to consider changing diet and taking additional efforts directed to ensure adequate consumption of calories, protein, fat, and other essential nutrients

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