Thursday, August 4, 2016

Get rid of the rumen one worries of concern to a lot of women and men alike, as the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area is over the years of wrong nutrition and lack of exercise and the style of living harmful in terms of follow unsuitable for a healthy body habits, and lead those accumulations to the emergence of side effects of such a situation is the weakness of the ability to move or perform physical activity, and the emergence of joint pain, fatigue and exhaustion ongoing, in addition to increasing the chances of more serious Ktsalb arteries and blood diseases and tumors disease
. Get rid of the rumen
Most people trying to Erh get rid of it without the effort due to the lack of movement which they are accustomed perhaps due to the accumulation of fat and their dependence on most of the performance of the business they are in their places, along with the existence of some cases that suffer from diseases due to the increased weight cartilage Kalanzlaq or sciatica or osteoarthritis, and on the whole The movement and exercise one of the most proven ways to get rid of the rumen. In the incidence of disease, prevent physical exercise needed to burn calories doctors advised a number of different solutions according to each individual case, so it is necessary to consult a doctor in a better therapeutic solutions to get rid of the rumen or excess fat in the body in general.
Tips to get rid of the rumen
 Relaxation: One of the reasons that lead to the accumulation of fat in the waist and abdomen increased secretion of the hormone cortisol, where human insulin in cases of stress and anxiety, so you are advised to exercise relaxation exercises regularly and listen to music, there are many videos to explain and teach yoga on the Internet.
 Regulate sleep: increased calorie burn rate during sleep, but there are many people obese sleep for long periods, however no less weight, the solution here lies in regulating sleep and not just sleep for long periods of time, so get used to the brain to secrete hormones that help in burning calories Regularly.
 Drink fluids: Drinking plenty of water is useful in making the body loses fluids stored inside, which cause skin and tummy tuck in particular, and the water stimulates circulation and nourishes the cells, which helps to burn calories faster.

 Diet: the diet can vary from one person to another, according to weight, age and health status, and be better supervised diet a dieticians, but that all diets based on reducing the amount of calories that enter the body so that the body of stored fat to burn inside.

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